

Is Long-Term Hip Health Possible? Check These Lifestyle Adjustments!

Is Long-Term Hip Health Possible? Check These Lifestyle Adjustments!

As parents, we naturally want to protect our children from harm, but accidents can happen, especially during active play. One common injury in primary school-aged kids is an elbow fracture. Understanding the types of elbow fractures and their signs can help parents recognise when medical attention is needed. Let’s delve into this important topic.

Is Long-Term Hip Health Possible? Check These Lifestyle Adjustments! Read More »

Don’t Panic! Elbow Fractures in Children – What Parents Need to Know

As parents, we naturally want to protect our children from harm, but accidents can happen, especially during active play. One common injury in primary school-aged kids is an elbow fracture. Understanding the types of elbow fractures and their signs can help parents recognise when medical attention is needed. Let’s delve into this important topic.

Don’t Panic! Elbow Fractures in Children – What Parents Need to Know Read More »

How to Modify Physical Tasks to Prevent Foot & Ankle Stress Fractures in the Workplace

In work environments, especially those involving physical labour, the risk of stress fractures, particularly in the foot and ankle, is quite a concern. These tiny cracks in the bone can develop from repetitive force or overuse, often unnoticed until the pain worsens. However, adjusting to physical tasks and taking preventative measures can significantly reduce the risk of stress fractures, promoting better orthopaedic health.

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How Physiotherapy Helps in Rotator Cuff Tendinitis Recovery

How Physiotherapy Helps in Rotator Cuff Tendinitis Recovery

Rotator cuff tendinitis, a frequent cause of shoulder discomfort among individuals in their middle years, can often be effectively managed and alleviated through targeted physiotherapy interventions. In this informative video, Dr. Tay Eileen, a Senior Orthopedic Consultant from The Orthopedic Practice and Surgery and Joel Toh, a Physiotherapist from Get Moving Physiotherapy.

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Mobile Maladies – The Orthopaedic Effects and Dangers of Prolonged Phone Use

In an era where smartphones have become extensions of our limbs, it’s easy to overlook the physical toll they can take on our bodies. From scrolling through social media feeds to endless texting marathons, the hours we spend glued to our screens can have profound effects on our musculoskeletal health. It is important to look into the orthopaedic effects and dangers of prolonged phone use.

Mobile Maladies – The Orthopaedic Effects and Dangers of Prolonged Phone Use Read More »

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